Friday, 23 November 2018

Definitely a Pool Day

It is still dark, I can not see it, the light of the lamp is reflecting in the windows but I hear the Strait roar.

I picture the waves rolling over, imagining white frothy foam when they roll. 
Waves washing over the sand and the rocks, carrying the voices of PEI, from the Gulf Stream, from, from..... Carrying debris, hopefully not a a lot of garbage onto our beach.

I wonder, where the powerful Strait will have moved the rocks? Where will be the sandy path into the water, when I go on Sunday after the sauna to see if I can lower myself into the water?

Definitely a Pool Day today! 

November 21,2018 Northumberland Strait

Our swimming cove Nov. 21, 2018

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Sunday Passed

Monotype print by Archan Knotz
Sunday passed, as every Sunday I decided to take in a sauna.

That is when I start to prime myself for the cold dip in the Strait. It is a ritual,  I set the temperature at the thermometer for the sauna and do my sauna prep while all the while I work myself up to walking down the lane to the beach to lower myself into the Strait.

All this week, I have been watching the water, listening to the wind.

After I come out of the sauna my bathing suit is waiting for me, still not sure if I will go in, however, I will put it on just in case.
On the lane there is no wind, thankfully I look up to the sky as an eagle glides by overhead. Yes, I think I can do this.

As I passed the woods the west wind hits me and my body cools down very quickly.
Carefully, I make my way down the icy steps.
The last part of the steps have been pulled up for the winter, peeling off the bathrobe bravely I climb down the rest of the way.

Leaving my hat, bathrobe and towel on a rook, I walk toward the roaring water.
Bloody hell the water is cold.
My legs burn, I put my arms into the water and splash myself till I am completely wet.

That was enough for the Sunday passed. 
I was not able to lower myself into the Strait but there is always next Sunday!

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Hope and Gardening

Tomatoes watercolour study
When I read the posts on social media, ridiculing vegetable gardening by how much money is spend by growing your own food, I feel sorry for these people, who have lost the connection to our earth and are deprived of hope when doing something outrages like putting a dried up seed which has all its information stored inside, in a pile of dirt and wait for it to grow and produce delicious food.

For me, gardening is not about saving money, it is about hope.

My heart sings when I see the little seeds stick their heads up and tell me that they are alive.  I can't wait to taste the first ripe tomato out of the garden, still feeling the warmth of the sun on its skin. I can not put a money value on this feeling.

You are what you eat. Eating food that is alive and grown by your hands, or by hands you know what a gift of aliveness is given to us. WOW!

When you go into the grocery store do you feel that our food is alive and that it will nourish you well?

Let's stay connected to our food and feel the hope! 


Friday, 14 September 2018

Getting ready for a Swim in glass

Getting Ready 10 x14" monotype print

The windows are open, I smell the breath of the Northumberland Strait.

Another beautiful day in September. No wind to speak off.

Another day for a swim. 

I had been swimming on my own which I enjoyed. However, swimming with another person gives me a great comfort level.  I am not so focused on what could appear out of the water, I am focusing more on swimming, on my form and looking out for the other person.

Will soon get ready for our afternoon swim. What a treat!

Wednesday, 12 September 2018


8  x 10" acrylic sold

Taking a break is difficult.
I have been working hard this summer I am ready for a break, but still feel it is hard to relax into taking a break.

Reflecting on taking a break - makes me feel like stepping out, not being part off something, is that why it is so hard to take a break?
Summer Reading 3 x 6" monotype print 
Time to simmer, time to clear out the old, making a fire in the fire pit and burn the old artwork to create space for the new -  add a little sage - that's what I will do. Thank you Bob!

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Early September and the Swimming is Good

Love to swim 8x10" acrylic SOLD

I am feeling so inspired. It seems, swimming with a swimming partner gives me an extra kick. Catherine and I have been tackling the most wavy swims at the Northumberland Strait. Over 1000m, WOW while waves slapping us in our faces and we are feeling a little sea sick. However, it feels like a great accomplishment.

My artwork has been influenced this year by my rediscovered love of swimming.  For example, with re-purposing plastic bags as my printing plate.
Re-purposed plastic bag plate for monotype print

The Swimsuit that will bring you Happiness and gives you Peace is in your Closet 11x 17" monotype print
  I feel grateful that our beach is not a collector beach like the Driftwood Beach in Advocate Harbour.
We are all connected the water in Advocate Harbour is part of our water at the Northumberland Strait. The garbage and plastic floating in our waters is a real problem.

Make it a day of being aware if you are nourished or if you are consuming and still feeling empty.


Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Biking on a Wednesday Morning

Monotype print A tribute to my parents.The monotype print is printed on a envelop mailed by my mom to her mother in 1949 as she came back from the working prison camp in Russia on her way to Germany

With this heavy intro caption on to a lighter day.
What a wonderful day it is.

After my lemon water and tea, I straddled my bike and went for a lovely bike ride along the shore down to Pugwash Point.
The wind was not in my favour at first, however, on my way back it was a super easy ride.

I saw a cottage for sale that had been inhibited by two friends. The sale sign made me somewhat melancholic. I was thinking of Ian and how he enjoyed this place. Painting the lawn chairs in rainbow colours. Life is short, enjoy the different colours of life! and there I go, right back to the more heavier subject.

Anyhow, today is a day of finishing up work for the upcoming Pugwash Farmers' Market, I love it, new paintings on display and I have improved the travel journal. 
We are leaving for Advocate Harbour later this afternoon to paddle tomorrow to see the Three Sisters rock formation. What an adventure that will be! 


Sunday, 22 July 2018

In the middle of a Hot Summer!

Open water swimming in Northumberland Strait
What a beautiful morning!

Sitting out on the deck, listening to the birds doing their thing in the morning, seeing the blue water of the Strait, while holding a cup of hot green tea in my hand - I am enjoying myself!

Open water swimming however has been on the back burner for a little, never the less,I am still swimming three times a week. The jellies have been hindering a little my enjoyment. Interesting to let jellies influence this wonderful experience. I had never been stung by a jelly, that was until Friday. I swam right into ones stingers however, since I am a pool girl at heart, I am covered nearly from head to toe, except for my face and that is where the stinger got me, and they got me good! Now I know how it feels to get stung. I will still keep swimming! Grateful for having this opportunity and having the water right at my door step. 

Otherwise, my summer has been busy with giving monotype printing workshops and creating artwork for my gig at the Pugwash Farmers' Market. WOW! What a great adventure that is!

I love being there and welcoming people into my booth.

Oh my goodness, and what fun we had at my Monotype printing workshop at ArtQuarters in Pugwash.

Look for a separate FB page with videos and pics of the super artwork the participants produced.

monotype printing by Archan Knotz

using plastic bags for monotype printing with Archan Knotz

monotype printing using plastic bags

trace monotype printing by Archan Knotz

Tuesday, 27 March 2018


Monotype print 5"x7"

I am exploring for my next two shows with different monotype printing techniques to understand the freedom and peace we have in being able to wear pretty much what we like when we jump into the water. That we are still able to explore water. To explore the barrierlessness of water, the vastness and at least here the cleansing ability of it. 
Our swimwear has changed.
 Imaging, there used to be a Policeman who came and measure the length of the women's bathing suits. We had to cover up and now, man doesn't want us to cover up, the less the better. Do we actually have freedom in what we wear?

Anyway, I am using some monotype printing techniques to explore. I love to swim, specially open water swimming, a new discovery, I always thought I am a pool girl.
I do feel more relaxed in a pool, but feel accomplishment when finishing my swim in the Northumberland Strait.

I have been reading "Swimming to Antarctica" by Lynne Cox. Not something I want to do. However, interesting never the less, in her earlier swims she aimed for connection between countries through her swims an interesting concept. 

monotype print 5"x7"
Swimming as a sense or, with a sense of freedom and peace?
monotype print 5"x7"

Friday, 16 March 2018

Waiting for Spring

Monotype print 5"x7"

The days are getting more lovely every day.
The ice in the Northumberland Strait is moving, more out than in.
I have been checking our garlic if little sprouts are showing - not yet!

I have been working on material for the two shows I have plant this year.
One is titled "Peace" and the other "Peace is, without Judgment".
I am exploring what Peace, in it's simplest form means to me.
Very interesting process.
This monotype print above and bellow is part of the collection coming.

What does peace mean to you in it's simplest form?

monotype print 5"x7"

Thursday, 15 February 2018

A Beautiful Day

Friends 10 x 12" acrylic

On our morning walk, I could feel the sea calling.
The sun is shining so beautifully, a mild day in February.
I can hardly wait till I can put my neoprene suit on again and swim.

I used to swim as a child and than living in bigger cities I had not made the transition going to the indoor pools. Last summer, I was overcome with joy to discover my deep love for the water again. And with this fantastic suit on, I feel somewhat protected because I am a pool girl deep at heart.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018


Rooster 10 x 12" acrylic

A good start into Ash Wednesday.

Oil-pulling, yoga and mindfulness practice.

Mary and I were talking this morning what we would give up for lend. I came up with not getting hooked on all the turbulence that is going on in the world around me. That does not mean ignoring it but I don't want to feed it with stories I am creating, let's see how this will go.

In my head, I am getting ready to create leather bound journals, have to get it out of my head and into action.

This afternoon, I am taking part in a group session for anxiety through Mental Health. I am curious how it will unfold and what I will discover about myself.

Happy Valentines Day!

A day of curious discovery!

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Studio Window View

Gulf Shore Feb.2018

I feel grateful for this view.

A crisp day, wind coming from the north.
The Northumberland Strait is still open, has been most of these winter month.
The ice does not stay. Interesting! Concerning?

The ground is bare, hardly any snow.

The light is beautiful.

Started the day of with a yoga practice and a sitting practice.

Change in the outer world can take my grounding away,
occupying my brain and creating barriers to be creative.

Working today on facing these demons and do it anyway!


Archan Knotz creates : February

Archan Knotz creates : February :  Every year it happens, February arrives and I have this strong urge ...