Wednesday 14 February 2018


Rooster 10 x 12" acrylic

A good start into Ash Wednesday.

Oil-pulling, yoga and mindfulness practice.

Mary and I were talking this morning what we would give up for lend. I came up with not getting hooked on all the turbulence that is going on in the world around me. That does not mean ignoring it but I don't want to feed it with stories I am creating, let's see how this will go.

In my head, I am getting ready to create leather bound journals, have to get it out of my head and into action.

This afternoon, I am taking part in a group session for anxiety through Mental Health. I am curious how it will unfold and what I will discover about myself.

Happy Valentines Day!

A day of curious discovery!

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Archan Knotz creates : February

Archan Knotz creates : February :  Every year it happens, February arrives and I have this strong urge ...