Sunday 22 July 2018

In the middle of a Hot Summer!

Open water swimming in Northumberland Strait
What a beautiful morning!

Sitting out on the deck, listening to the birds doing their thing in the morning, seeing the blue water of the Strait, while holding a cup of hot green tea in my hand - I am enjoying myself!

Open water swimming however has been on the back burner for a little, never the less,I am still swimming three times a week. The jellies have been hindering a little my enjoyment. Interesting to let jellies influence this wonderful experience. I had never been stung by a jelly, that was until Friday. I swam right into ones stingers however, since I am a pool girl at heart, I am covered nearly from head to toe, except for my face and that is where the stinger got me, and they got me good! Now I know how it feels to get stung. I will still keep swimming! Grateful for having this opportunity and having the water right at my door step. 

Otherwise, my summer has been busy with giving monotype printing workshops and creating artwork for my gig at the Pugwash Farmers' Market. WOW! What a great adventure that is!

I love being there and welcoming people into my booth.

Oh my goodness, and what fun we had at my Monotype printing workshop at ArtQuarters in Pugwash.

Look for a separate FB page with videos and pics of the super artwork the participants produced.

monotype printing by Archan Knotz

using plastic bags for monotype printing with Archan Knotz

monotype printing using plastic bags

trace monotype printing by Archan Knotz

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