Friday, 23 November 2018

Definitely a Pool Day

It is still dark, I can not see it, the light of the lamp is reflecting in the windows but I hear the Strait roar.

I picture the waves rolling over, imagining white frothy foam when they roll. 
Waves washing over the sand and the rocks, carrying the voices of PEI, from the Gulf Stream, from, from..... Carrying debris, hopefully not a a lot of garbage onto our beach.

I wonder, where the powerful Strait will have moved the rocks? Where will be the sandy path into the water, when I go on Sunday after the sauna to see if I can lower myself into the water?

Definitely a Pool Day today! 

November 21,2018 Northumberland Strait

Our swimming cove Nov. 21, 2018

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Sunday Passed

Monotype print by Archan Knotz
Sunday passed, as every Sunday I decided to take in a sauna.

That is when I start to prime myself for the cold dip in the Strait. It is a ritual,  I set the temperature at the thermometer for the sauna and do my sauna prep while all the while I work myself up to walking down the lane to the beach to lower myself into the Strait.

All this week, I have been watching the water, listening to the wind.

After I come out of the sauna my bathing suit is waiting for me, still not sure if I will go in, however, I will put it on just in case.
On the lane there is no wind, thankfully I look up to the sky as an eagle glides by overhead. Yes, I think I can do this.

As I passed the woods the west wind hits me and my body cools down very quickly.
Carefully, I make my way down the icy steps.
The last part of the steps have been pulled up for the winter, peeling off the bathrobe bravely I climb down the rest of the way.

Leaving my hat, bathrobe and towel on a rook, I walk toward the roaring water.
Bloody hell the water is cold.
My legs burn, I put my arms into the water and splash myself till I am completely wet.

That was enough for the Sunday passed. 
I was not able to lower myself into the Strait but there is always next Sunday!

Archan Knotz creates : February

Archan Knotz creates : February :  Every year it happens, February arrives and I have this strong urge ...