Tuesday, 27 March 2018


Monotype print 5"x7"

I am exploring for my next two shows with different monotype printing techniques to understand the freedom and peace we have in being able to wear pretty much what we like when we jump into the water. That we are still able to explore water. To explore the barrierlessness of water, the vastness and at least here the cleansing ability of it. 
Our swimwear has changed.
 Imaging, there used to be a Policeman who came and measure the length of the women's bathing suits. We had to cover up and now, man doesn't want us to cover up, the less the better. Do we actually have freedom in what we wear?

Anyway, I am using some monotype printing techniques to explore. I love to swim, specially open water swimming, a new discovery, I always thought I am a pool girl.
I do feel more relaxed in a pool, but feel accomplishment when finishing my swim in the Northumberland Strait.

I have been reading "Swimming to Antarctica" by Lynne Cox. Not something I want to do. However, interesting never the less, in her earlier swims she aimed for connection between countries through her swims an interesting concept. 

monotype print 5"x7"
Swimming as a sense or, with a sense of freedom and peace?
monotype print 5"x7"

Friday, 16 March 2018

Waiting for Spring

Monotype print 5"x7"

The days are getting more lovely every day.
The ice in the Northumberland Strait is moving, more out than in.
I have been checking our garlic if little sprouts are showing - not yet!

I have been working on material for the two shows I have plant this year.
One is titled "Peace" and the other "Peace is, without Judgment".
I am exploring what Peace, in it's simplest form means to me.
Very interesting process.
This monotype print above and bellow is part of the collection coming.

What does peace mean to you in it's simplest form?

monotype print 5"x7"

Archan Knotz creates : February

Archan Knotz creates : February :  Every year it happens, February arrives and I have this strong urge ...