Tuesday 13 February 2018

Studio Window View

Gulf Shore Feb.2018

I feel grateful for this view.

A crisp day, wind coming from the north.
The Northumberland Strait is still open, has been most of these winter month.
The ice does not stay. Interesting! Concerning?

The ground is bare, hardly any snow.

The light is beautiful.

Started the day of with a yoga practice and a sitting practice.

Change in the outer world can take my grounding away,
occupying my brain and creating barriers to be creative.

Working today on facing these demons and do it anyway!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are doing it, Archan, leaving fear in your dust!

Archan Knotz creates : February

Archan Knotz creates : February :  Every year it happens, February arrives and I have this strong urge ...